I have a podcast!

Hi everyone,

I hope you all have enjoyed my previous blog posts on performance enhancing concepts.  As a change of pace and different medium of communication I'd like to let you all know about a weekly podcast that I am now doing with a colleague and mate of mine Jared Coleman-Stark.

As a quick introduction to the podcast overview, our goal is to review and discuss relevant sports science articles.  Designed to give you a "snippit" of the article we aim to review it in about 10 minutes.  We see that as a good amount of time to get a feel for the article - plus we know how valuable your time is.

I can't tell you how excited I am.  Jared and I have been speaking about this idea for about a year.  After recording the episodes we've had to learn the whole podcasting process from scratch.  So to see this  podcast on iTunes is a proud moment.

Our first article we are reviewing is the performance of sprinting in hypoxia: 

Hormonal and metabolic responses to repeated cycling sprints under different hypoxic conditions. (Author: Kon M).

We really hope you enjoy our first podcast and you come along on our journey.  We will get better with time so please be patient.  

A few details that may be useful:

Please subscribe to our iTunes channel and it would be appreciated for you to review each episode.  Spread the word.


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